What is the Average Household Income in St. Louis, Missouri?

Find out what is the average household income in St. Louis, Missouri and how it compares to the national average.

What is the Average Household Income in St. Louis, Missouri?

Missouri has a GINI coefficient that is lower than the national average of 0.478, indicating that wages are more evenly distributed throughout the state compared to the rest of the country. In St. Louis, MO-IL, Washington University in St. Louis awarded the most degrees in 2002 with 5,763, followed by Webster University with 3,690 and Saint Louis University with 3,422. The poverty threshold is a measure used to determine whether a family's total income is below the level at which they are considered to be living in poverty.

If this is the case, then the family and all its members are considered to be living in poverty. Washington University in St. Louis awarded the most degrees in St. Louis, MO-IL with 5,763 (14.3%), followed by Webster University with 3,690 (9.13%) and Saint Louis University with 3,422 (8.47%).

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