How Many People in St. Louis, MO Live Below the Poverty Line?

The poverty rate in St. Louis, Missouri is estimated to be 57,869 out of 294,961 people, which is 19.6% of the population. This figure is higher than the national average of 12.6%. The city has implemented various initiatives to reduce poverty and improve the quali

How Many People in St. Louis, MO Live Below the Poverty Line?

The poverty rate in St. Louis, Missouri is estimated to be 57,869 out of 294,961 people, which is 19.6% of the population. This figure is higher than the national average of 12.6%. During the period from 2010 to 2018, the number of people living in poverty decreased by 16%, from 332,000 to 278,499. St.

Louis City, Missouri has the highest poverty rate with 57,900 out of 295,000 people living below the poverty line. This is a significant number that surpasses the national average. Louis is a major concern for local authorities and citizens alike. To address this issue, the city has implemented various initiatives to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for its citizens.

These initiatives include job training programs, housing assistance programs, and educational opportunities. The city also provides access to health care services and food assistance programs for those living in poverty. Additionally, there are several non-profit organizations that offer assistance to those in need. In order to reduce poverty in St.

Louis, it is essential for local authorities to continue to implement initiatives that will help those living in poverty. These initiatives should focus on providing access to education and job training opportunities as well as providing access to health care services and food assistance programs. By taking these steps, St. Louis can make a positive impact on its citizens and reduce the number of people living below the poverty line.

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